PlayStation 3 80GB

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Buy Cheap PlayStation 3 80GB

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Includes PlayStation 3 80GB system, Dualshock 3 wireless controller, free PlayStation Network membership, internet ready Wi-Fi, and 80GB of hard disk storage for all your games, music, videos, and photos. Every PS3 comes with a built-in Blu-ray player to give you the best high-definition viewing experience and pristine picture quality. Plus, the PS3 can play your entire catalog of CDs and DVDs.

Technical Details

- Includes PlayStation 3 80 GB system, Dualshock 3 wireless controller, and free PlayStation Network membership
- Internet ready Wi-Fi
- 80 GB of hard disk storage for all your games, music, videos, and photos
- Built-in Blu-ray player to give you the best high-definition viewing experience and pristine picture quality
- Play your entire catalog of CDs and DVDs
See more technical details
Customer Buzz
 "Beware! There is a popular issue with the PS3" 2009-08-07
By Brad (Mesa, Arizona United States)
I bought the PS3 mainly to watch blue ray movies,and there was mostly good reviews at the time. Plus, with the ability to play games I thought the PS3 was versatile and therefor the way to go. The machine worked great and I used it on average about 3 hours per week.

However, after about 15 months the PS3 would no longer read any of the blue ray discs or PS3 games. I did an internet search on the problem and found thousands of web pages of people having problems with the PS3 machine's failure to read disks. Its funny that everyone's problem happened around the same age of the machine. There are some who say the issue happened after downloading a software upgrade. I often downloaded the upgrades to keep my machine current so that it could play all the new disks that I bought.

The real kicker is that Sony is now charging people $150 dollars to fix the PS3 that fail to read disks. I don't understand how a company can charge people to fix a machine that is so poorly designed, and an issue that will just happen again at a later time.

Before you buy a PS3, do an internet search on "PS3 disk reading error". I have decided to purches a different name brand blue ray player. To me the name Sony is now synonymous with the word JUNK.

Customer Buzz
 "PS3 Seemingly Unappreciated" 2009-08-04
By S. Glover
What PS3 patrons and potentials must realize is that the PS3 (as you already may have known) is the best blu-ray player on the market since conception to date.

Not to mention, the PS3 (as you also may have already known) plays, you guessed it, video games. At 720p, 1080i, and 1080p, depending on the game, and PS3 uses a HDMI interface, a fiber optic audio output, wireless USB controllers, etc to the superior technology the X360 does not possess.

No offense to the X360 because I also have one and enjoy it very much. But you CANNOT compare the two in terms of technology. Voice your opinion, but stick with the facts. If you feel the need to compare the two, do your thing. But realize that when you compare a PS3 to a X360, the former soars far above the latter. Component cables offer only 480p on HD for the X360, and uses batteried wireless controllers and DVD data discs only for video games and movies.

The one thing X360 has on the PS3: The Halo franchise (which is why I have a X360).

Get at me if you agree/disagree.

Customer Buzz
 "Great Machine but should be focused on gaming a little bit more." 2009-08-03
By Parrish C. Moore (Germany)
Well I have had all 3 systems at a time. Now I have a PS3 and Xbox 360. I love them both dearly but if it comes down to a multiplatform game, then I just have to go with my Xbox. The Xbox just has more gaming appeal in the end and better online play because of Xbox Live. PS3 is great though, I rent Blu-Ray movies all the time and thats when I use my PS3 the most. I do have PS3 exclusive games like Metal Gear Solid 4, Little Big Planet, Killzone 2 and etc. Which I love all of those games but it just seems like the PS3 isnt as dedicated when it comes to gaming.

It has so many features that the XBox doesnt have. Such as Blu-Ray, Internet Browser, and some of the earlier models have full backwards compatibility with PS1/2 games. The PS3 is pretty much a computer and it has great features and great games but it cant match up to the games that are out on 360 though. Thats just my opion though, some people really prefer PS3 games. PS3's home is a really cool feature, You can explore the PS3 world with different themes from various games. Which is really cool because you can see and interact with everyone else that is exploring Home as well.

PS3 is a great system and I would recommend it to anyone as it is the premier system with the best features and is the most advanced gaming system to date(Other than PC's of course). I love my PS3 but I just cant see them as being as good as the games for the 360 right now.

Customer Buzz
 "Great" 2009-07-31
By Anthony Martins
I have an xbox and a wii, and decided to pay the extra $100 to get this instead of a regular blu-ray player. Well worth it, but xbox>ps3>wii.

Customer Buzz
 "Best blu-ray DVD player for entry level consumers." 2009-07-29
By Aaron & Che Parr (Sandy, UT USA)
I recently purchased a standalone blue ray unit and it was loaded with the common problems for such devices.

- slow load times

- questionable picture quality

- limited customization options

Needless to say I took it back and started doing the research for replacement. One thing that I noticed was that in all of the reviews for the best blu-ray players was that the PS3 was always in the list. Sometimes it was at the top sometimes it was at the bottom but it was always listed. Digging into the PS3 specs i thought I would give it a try.

I got it today and after 2min of set up I was watching my first blu-ray movie on it. I spent another 10-15 min adjusting the display and audio setting to match my hardware configuration and I am blown away by the quality of picture and sound. Better yet when I put in the movie for the first time it loaded in seconds instead of the 1-2min I was used to on the old player.

In summary the reviews are right to make sure that the PS3 is in the list of the top 10 blu-ray players. Personally I find that it loads fast, looks great, and had plenty of customization options to match your video and audio hardware requirements.

Note: I will probably never own a game for this system and I am pleased as punch because I have a great blu-ray player..

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